Thursday, June 13, 2013

Luhan @ 130613 Jamshil Fansign Fanaccount

Click on this audio. It's so cute

[TRANS] 130613 Jamshil Fansign Fanaccount (7)
Fan: Do you like cute girls or older girls?
Luhan: Both.
Fan: Do you like soccer or fans?
Luhan: (laughs) Both. 
Fan: Both again. Then do you like Manchester United?
Luhan: Yes. Your question are so hard.
Luhan laughed shyly.
Fan: Are you going to play soccer in a few days?
Luhan: Yes, in Shanghai.
Fan: As the striker?
Luhan: Yes.
cr: 近水楼台0082 | Trans: twelveasone

  • 130613 Jamsil Fansign
  • Fan: Do you really like toe-rubbing guys?
  • Luhan: Eh??? (hesitated)
  • Fan: You like cute girls?
  • Luhan: Who said that? (started denying)
  • Fan: You wrote it / answered it yourself.
  • Luhan: Aiyo.... keke!
  • Via 喜歡_小熙兒
When Luhan was lowering his head signing, I said: "Do you really like 'toe-picking girls'? (laughs) Luhan: Erm...!!! (Hesitates) Me: "Do you like cute girls?" Luhan: "Who said that?! (Denies hastily) Me: "You said that yourself though!!!" Luhan: "Aiyo, keke."

Fan gave Luhan a Spiderman mask and told him to put it on when he's going home. Luhan: oh, what's this? Fan: Mask, wear it on face
(cr.dc), v:fluffyfox

Fan asked Luhan about Alex Ferguson retirement. Luhan didn't hear properly, then fan said "Manu! Ferguson!" Luhan: ahhh, very sad (cr.DC;fluffyfox)
130613 A fan told Luhan to sign “My Suki (her name) Queen” but he wrote queen wrong and had to cross it out = =
(cr: luhanqt, whoever who owns this pic. Via: leightastic)

[130613 Fansign] Sehun’s Post-it 
Q: If you were a girl, who would you date?
1. Luhan
2. Lu Lu
3. Luhaney
4. Xiao Lu
Sehun ticked them all!
(When he first read the question, he froze for a moment and then started making all sorts of smiles/laughter)

cr: beyami
Twinned Poison asked Luhan if he had a lot of parts in Weekly Idol and he looked down and said "a little bit" [cr: Twinned Poison] TTTT
Jongin said they've been preparing for Baby Don't Cry so you guys can look forward to full choreography for it soon [cr: 海天月夜]

Luhan was really considerate and kept asking what/where the fan wanted him to write, he signed "from your peter pan"

Audio: 130613 M!Countdown - EXO Wolf MR Removed

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