Saturday, June 1, 2013

EXO Comeback Stage: Music Core & Y- Star Power Live Music 2013Pictures & Fan Account

Today at Mucore, Baekhyun and Kris gave each other a hi five when they went on the stage. Luhan and Sehun were whispering ear to ear on stage. Chanyeol seemed to have hurt either his legor his waist. And Kai immediately went into a squatting position after going off stage.
Cr:双眼皮双子座 Via:exo-c-trans

Apparently, Sehun saw that Luhan’s shoelace was untied yesterday during their performance, so he bent down to tie it for him.
Cr: As watermarked

[MuCore] Because of the smoke during the intro, everyone was lying on the floor for awhile. Luhan and Baekhyun lied on D.O comfortably. After the first round of intro ends, as Luhan and Baekhyun couldn’t do the tree moves well, both of them laughed and patted each other’s butt. It seems that Baekhyun and Luhan have to be really close to each other when doing the tree moves, they were sticking and bumping on each other.

Cr:爱咳嗽就喝急支糖浆 Via:exo-c-trans

Only after watching them live did the fan realize how close Baekhyun and Luhan stand during the opening....crotch to crotch [cr: 爱咳嗽就喝急支糖浆] and also while Baek was doing that, he was so close to Luhan that they were basically hugging and their faces got really close together fahjsdkhf  (cr: Cherry)

130601 Music Core Recording
1. Luhan slipped a bit and lost his balance, and Baekhyun quickly supported him. Then he smiled and said something to Luhan and hit him on the butt.
2. Baekhyun and Luhan were playing tug of war with their arms and ended up hugging each other.
cr: lightmebaek0506, yundorphin, yhan via: luhanqt


Click here to check out the Luhan's pictures for the events

This is when Luhan felt and hit his elbow.

Some Hunhan Moments:

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