Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Luhan’s cover of JJ Lin’s Perfect Match (豆浆油条) lyrics

喝純白的豆漿 是純白的浪漫
he chun bai de dou jiang shi chun bai de lang manDrinking pure white soy milk, It’s a pure white romance
望著你可愛臉龐 和你純真的模樣
wang zhuo ni ke ai lian dan he ni chun zhen de mo yangLooking at your cute face and your innocent appearance
我傻傻對你笑 是你憂愁解藥
wo sha sha dui ni xiao shi ni you chou jie yao
The foolish laugh I give you is the cure to your worries
你說我就像油條 很簡單卻很美好
ni shuo wo jiu xiang you tiao hen jian dan que hen mei hao
You say that I’m like a fried dough stick, really simple yet beautiful
*我知道 你和我 就像是豆漿油條
wo zhi dao ni he wo jiu xiang shi dou jiang you tiao
I know, you and I, are like soymilk and fried dough sticks
要一起 吃下去 味道才會是最好
yao yi qi chi xia qu wei dao cai hui shi zui hao
They need to be together, and eaten together to be taste the best
你需要我的傻笑 我需要你的擁抱
ni xu yao wo de sha xiao wo xu yao ni de yong bao
You need my foolish laugh, I need your embrace
愛情就是要這樣 它才不會淡掉
ai qing jiu shi yao zhe yang ta cai bu hui dan diao
Love just needs to be like this, it would never be bland.
#我知道 有時候 也需要吵吵鬧鬧
wo zhi dao you shi hou ye xu yao chao chao nao nao
I know that sometimes it also needs to be loud and noisy
但始終 也知道 只有你對我最好
dan shi zhong ye zhi dao zhi you ni dui wo zui hao
But in the end I also know that you’re the best to me
豆漿離不開油條 讓我愛你愛到老
dou jiang li bu kai you tiao rang wo ai ni ai dao lao
Soy milk can never leave a fried dough stick, let me love you till we’re old
愛情就是要這樣 它才幸福美好
Love just needs to be like this, for it to be happy and beautiful
ai qing jiu shi yao zhe yang ta cai xing fu mei hao
△我知道 都知道 你知道 你都知道
wo zhi dao du zhi dao ni zhi dao ni du zhi dao
I know, I all it all, You know, You know it all
好不好 別偷笑 笑 讓我知道
hao bu hao bie tou xiao rang wo zhi dao jiu hao
Is it ok, don’t secretly laugh and let me know
我喝完熱豆漿 卻念著還想要
wo he wan re dou jiang que nian zhuo huan xiang yao
I finished drinking the hot soymilk but I still want more
你吃完金黃油條 愛情又要再發酵
ni chi wan jin huang you tiao ai qing you yao zai fa jiao
You finished eating the golden dough stick, Love needs to ferment again.

Repeat *,#,△,△()

CR: Py亲故, xingli

Song by Original Singer

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