130330 SJC EXO-M What Is Love(Luhan focus)
130330 SJC EXO-M History(Luhan focus)
130330 SJC EXO-M Angel(Luhan focus)
130330 SJC EXO-M introduction(Luhan focus)
The video is in high quality. Very nice to watch 130331 EXOM - What Is Love (Luhan Focused) @ Super Joint Concert
This blog is dedicated toward Luhan and his most popular (and our favorite) OTP: Hunhan (Luhan and Sehun). Here you can find a collections of everything about Luhan such as: best hunhan Fanfics Recommendations, HunHan Moments, Videos Collections and a lot more with EXO related.
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Friday, March 29, 2013
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Luhan and Sehun - Birthday Projects
Please support them.
Info from Dailyexo.
Let’s make Sehun’s and Luhan’s birthdays special! Please participate in these projects: Note that not all fansites have yet released the birthday project information, and this list will be kept updated. Some projects end before others, so please check carefully. The project information from sites that didn’t provide information in English was summarised in the original language.
Sehun and Luhan:
ㅡ HunHan Chopper! - ‘From Infatuation to Obsession’ project
Participate by buying ‘Chopper!’s’ fan goods. All proceeds will be used for birthday support.Deadline: 130315 - [MORE INFO]
ㅡ FruitXFruit - 2013 Luhan & Sehun Birthday Support Project with COS94
Part 1:期待才华横溢文采飞扬的你留下给两人最诚挚的祝福。留言日期:3月1日至3月20日 (message) | Part 2: 我们也会接受信件转达。尽我们所能传达你们美好的祝愿。收件时间:3月1日至3月20日 (letter) | Part 3: 除以上大家参与的部分外,其余的所有应援物都会由我和cos94的各位共同提供。[更多详情]
ㅡ 百度勋鹿吧2013年勋鹿生日应援
个人礼物以单人为主题,含部分的双人元素。本次集资全部所得将投入于13年的生日应援。同时提供详细集资名单与使用明细帖供各方监督。礼物的挑选、何时送达的问题也将作出详细解答。 截止日期:未定 - [更多详情]
ㅡ Twinned Poison - ‘In The Mood For Love’ project
请在站内MASTER区指定帖内留下您对鹿晗,世勋,以及驯鹿的生日寄语。此次生日应援,我们不需要您的集资,但是也许需要您付出更贵重的东西-您的智慧才华和真挚的感情。对世勋的话完全可以用中文写,我们会进行翻译。截止日期:未定 - 更多详情: [Luhan and Sehun] [Luhan] [Sehun]
ㅡ DOUBLEXO - Sehun, Luhan, Xiumin Birthday Project
Participate by sending in letters, personal gifts, or by donating towards birthday support (for gifts) - [MORE INFO]
ㅡ HYPER BEAT - ‘Blowin’ My Mind’ project
Participate in a free message and photo book project, donate towards birthday support (for gifts), or have your personal gifts and letters delivered to SME. Deadline: 130331 - [MORE INFO]
ㅡ SPRINGBOY - ‘Twenty of yours’ project
Participate in a free birthday message project, donate towards birthday support (for gifts), or have your personal gifts and letters delivered to SME. Deadline: 130401 (messages), 130405(personal gifts and letters), unstated for donations - [MORE INFO]
ㅡ AIOLOS - ‘Happy Birthday to Sehun’ project
Participate in a free birthday message project, donate towards birthday support (for gifts), or have your personal gifts and letters delivered to SME. Deadline: 130320 (messages), 130405(personal gifts and letters and donations) - [MORE INFO]
Participate in a free birthday message ‘Blooming Mind’ project, donate towards birthday support (for gifts), or have your personal gifts and letters delivered to SME. Deadline: 130405(personal gifts an messages), 130405 (donations), unstated for ‘Blooming Mind’ - [MORE INFO]
ㅡ OH SEHUN Online
Participate by sending in your postcards or messages. Deadline: 130317 - [MORE INFO]
ㅡ 朝鹿FORLUHAN鹿晗生日集资
生日应援集资正式开启 本次集资所得金额将全部用于鹿晗23岁生日应援。截止日期:未定 - [更多详情]
ㅡ 朝鹿FORLUHAN鹿晗岁生日献礼第一波
苹果鹿生日手幅在前,以你所在的城市的地标性建筑为背景。截止日期:2月28日 - [更多详情]
ㅡ RAINDROP - ‘Happy Lulu Day’ projects
Participate by donating towards the birthday support (for gifts), or have your personal gifts and letters delivered to SME. Deadline: 130410 (donations and personal gifts an messages) - [MORE INFO]
ㅡ DEAR MY DEER - ‘LUvely Day!’ project
Participate in a free ‘To. My Deer’ message porject and ‘l LUVE U!’ photo project, donate towards birthday support (for gifts), or have your personal gifts and letters delivered to SME.Deadline: 130410 (messages and photos), 130412 (donations), 120414 (personal gifts and messages) - [MORE INFO]
ㅡ My_DEER2013年鹿晗生日集资
MYDEER以一颗诚挚的心,为这次鹿晗的生日计划并筹备。现为了鹿晗的生日应援公开集资,希望大家能得到大家的支持。 截止日期:未定 - [更多详情]
ㅡ Lucky0420
Participate by sending in your postcards. Project period: 130305-120330 - [MORE INFO]Scroll down on the page for information in other langages
ㅡ Trust Luhan
Participate by sending in your messages or pictures. Deadline: unstated - [MORE INFO]
ㅡ Oh Luhan - ‘Tell Luhan I Love You’ project
Participate by sending in your voice messages, for the ‘Tell Luhan I Love You’ project.Deadline: 130331 - [MORE INFO]
ㅡ 百度鹿晗吧生日集资 / Luhan Baidu Bar
截止日期:未定 - [更多详情] | 2. Photo project. Deadline: 130331 - [MORE INFO]ㅡ Han-i - Special Birthday Goods - ‘Whirlwind Romance’
本次周边将公开贩售。全部的的收入将用于2013年鹿晗生日应援。截止日期:3月31日 - [更多详情]ㅡ Lulu90420
루한생일을 축하하는 메시지북을 만들려고 하는데요 생일메시지를 메일로 모집합니다. (제목:루한생일메시지) 축하메시지마지막에 살고있는장소랑 당신이름도 꼭 써 주세요. (예: 서울, 루한) luhan2013bday@gmail.com 마감: 3월28일 밤11시까지입니다.ㅡ Embrace 鹿晗生日应援
4月20日是鹿晗的生日,我打算用邮件收集大家的生日祝福,做一本生日的留言簿。 邮件标题:LUHAN B-DAY 内容:请一定要在祝福语末尾,写上您所在的城市以及真实姓名。 (例如:北京, 鹿晗) 内容长度200字左右。 邮箱:luhan2013bday@gmail.com 截止日期:3月28日晚11
Part1: 以个人音频为主,录制10秒钟小短篇。以VCR转交给鹿晗。| Part2: 收集书信和星星祝福 | Part3: 收集祝福板照片 | Part4: 发布独家及手绘图 - 截止日期:3月30日 - [更多详情]ㅡ RoyaLu 百日&鹿晗23岁生日活动 Part1
用文字,视频,音频,照片及手绘来表达对鹿晗的爱。截止日期:3月25日 - [更多详情]ㅡ My AchillesHeel 鹿晗生日应援集资
让23岁的小王子留下一份美好的记忆,留下一份来自你和你还有你的祝福。截止日期:未定 - [更多详情]Credit: compiled by dailyexo.tumblr.com. If you find any mistakes, please contact us.
Monday, March 25, 2013
Being Luhan / Sehun
Hunhan Pout,
Interesting Facts,
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